Frontline Plus vs Advantage

Frontline vs Advantage is a battle that comes up all the time when people are shopping for pet flea treatments for dogs & cats. Frontline and Advantage have both been around the longest time and are therefore the most well known flea medications. Although these 2 products are often grouped into the same category, they do have differences.

To be clear, the 2 products we are comparing in this report are Frontline Plus and Advantage II. There are variants of these products such as Frontline top spot and Advantage Multi (Advocate).

What They Treat

Frontline Plus treats for all flea stages in the pet's surroundings including flea eggs and flea allergy dermatitis. It controls sarcoptic mange and lice. It also treats for paralysis ticks and brown dog ticks for 2 weeks. Advantage will kill fleas, kill flea larvae, control flea allergy dermatitis and control lice.

What Is In Them

Frontline Plus contains fipronil and methoprene. Advantage contains IMIDACLOPRID.

How Old Do Pets Need To Be

Frontline Plus can be used on puppies & kittens from 8 weeks of age. Advantage can be used on puppies & kittens from 6 weeks of age.

How To Administer

Frontline and Advantage both come in liquid form in a tube that is placed on the back of the dog's neck and will treat fleas for 1 month at a time. They are both water-resistant for 1 month after 24-48 hours of application.

What Size Pets

Frontline Plus comes in 5 different weight ranges; Cats in a green packet, dogs up to 10kgs in an orange packet, dogs 10-20kgs in a blue packet, dogs 20-40kgs in a purple packet and dogs 40-60kgs in a red packet.
Advantage comes in 6 different weight ranges; cats up to 10lbs (up to 4kgs) in an orange packet, cats over 10lbs (over 4kgs) in a purple packet, dogs up to 10lbs (up to 4kgs) in a green packet, dogs 11-20lbs (4-10kgs) in a teal packet, dogs 21-55lbs (10-25kgs) in a red packet and dogs over 55lbs (over 25kgs) in a blue packet.

Product Pack Sizes

You can buy Frontline Plus in 3 packs (3 month supply), 6 packs (6 month supply) and 12 packs (12 month supply). Advantage can be purchased in 4 packs (4 month supply), 6 packs (6 month supply) and 12 packs (12 month supply).

The Price

Advantage is slightly cheaper than Frontline Plus. Frontline Plus does treat for ticks as well as fleas, so you would expect to pay slightly more for that.


Frontline Plus vs Advantage? Who is the overall winner? Well overall Frontline Plus looks better on paper BUT.... Advantage seems to be more effective in how well it actually works to treat for fleas. If you need to treat for fleas & ticks then Frontline Plus for dogs is the best way to go. If you just need to treat for fleas, using Advantage for dogs would be best. Every situation is different, so you need to decide what will suit you and your dog best. We hope that this product comparison will help you better decide which direction to go in.

Compare Advantage vs Frontline Plus below in this detailed chart with what each product does

Frontline vs Advantage Comparison Chart

Component Advantage for Dogs Frontline Plus for Dogs
Adult Fleas Yes Yes
Flea Eggs No Yes
Adult Larvae Yes Yes
Flea Allergy Dermatitis Yes Yes
Ticks No Yes
Heartworm No No
Roundworm No No
Hookworm No No
Whipworm No No
Tapeworm No No
Sarcoptic Mange No Yes
Earmites No No
Lice Yes Yes
Insects No No


Please note: These products are only available to Australian customers.

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