Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) - 12 Pack - Green
This is a 12 Months supply (12 Pack) of Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews. This 12 pack of Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews comes in a green pack. Buy Interceptor heartworm prevention for dogs in a green 12 pack online.
Currently unavailable please consider: Nuheart (Generic Heartgard) for Dogs or Valuheart Heartworm Tablets for Dogs
Not for sale to customers in the USA.
Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) 12 Pack Cost Per Day: .22 cents
Breeds you can use Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews green on are:
* Chinese Crested (large) * Havanese (large) * Italian Greyhound (large) * Silky Terrier (large) * Coton de Tulear (large) * Bollognese (large) * English Toy Spaniel (large) * Lowchen * American Hairless Terrier (Miniature) * Tibetan Speaniel * Shih Tzu (large) * Bichon Frise * Schippeke * Boston Terrier * Dachshund (miniature) * Norfolk Terrier * Japanese Spitz * Border Terrier * Mexican Hairless (toy) * Norwich Terrier * Australian Terrier * Miniature Poodle (large) * cairn Terrier * Lhasa Apso (large) * Miniature Schnauzer * Parson Russel Terrier * Cavalier King Charles Spaniel * Pekingese * Pug * Fox Terrier * Lakeland Terrier * Welsh Terrier * Manchester Terrier * West Highland White Terrier * Bedlington Terrier (small) * Shiba Inu (small) * Scottish Terrier (small) * Dandle Dinmont Terrier (small) * Sealyham Terrier (small) (Please Note: These are not the only breeds you can use Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews with)
Buy Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews Online with no prescription. Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews is a product used by people on there dogs world wide. Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews will treat your dog for Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms, Whipworms and Tapeworms. Petsofoz.com makes it easy to buy Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews online without a prescription. Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews is a easy use chewable tablet that works for a full month. Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews can be used on puppys as young as two weeks of age.
* Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews prevents heartworm infection. * Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews controls roundworm, whipworm, hookworm and tapeworm. * Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews are 100% water resistant.
1. Weigh your dog so you can match his weight to the Interceptor Spectrum for Dogs Heartworm Control Treatment Chews you need. 2. Choose how many Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews you need. You can buy Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews applications in 3 Packs (3 months), 6 Packs (6 months) and 12 Packs (12 months). 3. Simply Click the Add to Cart button when you have choose the pack of Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews you need. 4. Checkout with PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express Cards with our 100% Safe and Secure Checkout Process. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews. 5. Just wait for your Interceptor Spectrum for Small Dogs 11-25 lbs (4-11 kgs) Heartworm Control Treatment Chews to be delivered to your front door.