Buy Revolution for cats flea & heartworm treatment online. Revolution for cats is a flea, heartworm and intestinal worm prevention product used by many feline owners world wide. Revolution will treat cats for adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ear mites, heartworm, hookworms and roundworms. Revolution for cats medicine is a easy to apply drop that is water resistant for up to 1 month. Revolution can be used on kittens as young as six weeks of age.
Revolution for Cats Features & Benefits
- Can be used on kittens from 6 weeks of age.
- Sold in single doses, 3 packs, 6 packs and 12 packs.
- Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and controls flea allergy dermatitis.
- Treats and controls ear mites.
- Prevents heartworm disease in cats.
- Treats and controls hookworms and roundworms.
- Waterproof for 1 month & 2 hours after application.
- Thoroughly tested and safe to use on cats & kittens as directed.
- We sell Australian Revolution with packets that are marked as Revolution for cats in kgs.
- For more information see Revolution for Cats FAQs or also see Revolution for dogs.
- Only available to Australian customers.